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Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

How to Create Blogroll Box and Marquee

To trick this time, there are two kinds of boxes that we will create a blogroll, it's up to you mo choose which one. Box his blogroll are:
1. Blogroll Textarea Box Model
Examples such as blogs box roll like mine was, you know who it is tulisanya "Friend links" Nha this is how it's done: Put the following code in your element into (Page Elements -> Add a Gadget -> HTML / Javascript)

<Div style = "border: 1px solid rgb (153, 153, 153);
overflow: auto;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
text-align: center; ">

# Link1 <br />
# Link2 <br />
# Link3 <br />
# Link ...

</ Div>

description: - Code width: 200px; and height: 200px; is a measure of the width and length of the box, you can change and menyesuaikanya with the sizes you like. - Replace the words "# link1, # link2, # link3 ff" with a list of links you, oh yes it can also be filled with banner links. - If you would like a list of links-link lined up like mine, then remove the code

2. Blogroll Box Marquee Models
This box is also able to accommodate many links in narrow places. But the box blog roll which is different from the box above, because these boxes do not have a rollbar (which is usually drawn upward to the right then down it lho). Links ato fill in this box will move / run, it can be vertical horizontal ato. Well her way gini nih: Put the following code in your element into (Page Elements -> Add a Gadget -> HTML / Javascript)

<MARQUEE Align="center" direction="up" height="100" scrollamount= "2" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' width="95%">

# Link1 <br />
# Link2 <br />
# Link3 <br />
# Link ... <br />

</ Marquee>
Description: - Code "up" that shows the direction of movement, you can replace it with down, left, right (already mudeng to meaning, need not Explain yes). - If you replace it with a horizontal movement (left ato right) then remove the code <br /> - The number "100" shows the height of the box your blogroll. The more the number the higher the size of the blogroll.
OK GOOD TRY ......

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