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Kamis, 30 Desember 2010


Widget di dalam blogspot di gunakan sebagai penghias dan untuk mempercantik blog kamu, tetapi bukan hanya itu banyak sekali kegunaan widget seperti widget jumlah pengunjung untuk mengetahui berapa sich jumlah pengunjung tip harinya, kemudian widget online untuk mengetahui berapa orang yang sedang online.

Kemudian ada pula widget untuk mengetahui traffic rank, widget jam, widget animasi dan lain-lain banyak sekali yang bisa di letakkan di blogspot kamu. Dan berikut adalah widget favorit para blogger yang saya kumpulkan untuk kamu, moga-moga bermanfaat.

google Gadgets  --- Macam-macam pilihannya, tergantung kebutuhan kamu langsung aja ketikkan widget yang kamu inginkan di kotak pencarian di atasnya.

yahoo! Widgets  --- he he ini rival di atas, nih hampir sama seperti di atas tapi beda tampilan langsung di search aja widget yang kamu inginkan.

WidgetBox  --- Nah yang ini dari layanan free widget for blogger yang lainnya silahkan di coba Gratis booo!!

Widget Traffic Rank

Alexa.com  --- merupakan yang paling favorit di kalangan para blogger, angkanya yang semakin lama kian kecil menjadi tolak ukur dari traffic rank.

RankWidget.com  --- Kumpulan widget-widget untuk mengetahui trafic Rank dari google page rank, alexa traffic rank, Technorati Blog Rank dan Yahoo! Search InLinks. Tinggal di pilih kamu mau mengetahui yang mana! gampang seperti biasa ambil kode htmlnya kemudian letakkan di blog kamu.

Softcircuits.net  --- free google PageRank Widget, widget gratis google page rank untuk anda.

Widget jam

Clocklink.com  --- Banyak pilihannya nih widget, langsung aja klik Gallery pilih jamnya dan ambil kodenya.

Localtimes.info  ---- Yang satu ini juga banyak pilihan widget jamnya di pilih aja langsung.

Clockwidgets.net  --- Widget yang satu ini juga boleh! jadi pilihan kamu, tinggal di pilih dari ke 3 widget di atas yang sesuai dengan style kamu.

Widget mengetahui Jumlah Kunjungan

Histats.com  --- Ini widget untuk mengetahui jumlah pengunjung blog kamu dan di dalam control panelnya berisi data-data pengunjung anda kunjungan kemarin, hari ini 1 minggu yang lalu, a bulan yan lalu bahkan 1 tahun yang lalu.

feedjit.com  --- bisa mengetahui negara pengunjung blog kita, ada peta pengunjungnya pula, terus bisa melihat halaman yang paling di sukai oleh pengunjung.

whos.amung.us  --- Widget ini untuk mengetahui pengunjung blog kamu yang sedang online.

flagcounter.com  --- Widget yang ini untuk mengetahui negara pengunjung blog kamu di tandai oleh bendera asal negara pengunjung.

diantaranya :

Free Blogger Templates

TheBlogTemplates is a website where you can browse and download Free Blogger Templates as well as Free WordPress Themes. The website is run by my friend James Morgan and his partners and they also offer reviews of the Best Web Hosting Plans. You can follow them on twitter: @TheBlogTemplate or join them on Facebook. Read More!

Add Google Buzz Share Button - Widget for Blogger

Google Buzz is a great social tool which is very similiar to Twitter and Facebook. It's a wonderful way to engage and interact with your readers! Make sure to implement these Google Buzz buttons into your blogger posts, so that users can easily share your content on Google Buzz.

Add Google Buzz it Button to Blogger

  1. Go to Layout >Edit HTML in your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Back up your existing Template before making any changes!
  3. Make sure to check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
  4. Here is the Google Buzz it Code:
    <div style="float:right;padding:4px;">
    <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.google.com/reader/link?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;&amp;srcTitle=&quot; + data:blog.title+ &quot;&amp;srcURL=&quot; + data:blog.homepageUrl ' rel='nofolloW' style='text-decoration:none;' target='_blank'>
    <img alt='Buzz It' src='http://i48.tinypic.com/idyc04.png' style='border:0px;'/></a>
  5. Search for this line of code in your template:
    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
    and place the Google Buzz it Code right after the code you searched for above.
    If this doesn't work, then search for this code below and place the Google Buzz it Code directly before it.
  6. Now save your template and you're done!

Add Google Buzz Button with Share Count to Blogger

  1. Here is the Google Buzz it with Share Count Code
    <div style="float:right;padding:4px;"> <script type='text/javascript'> njuice_buzz_url = '<data:post.title/>'; njuice_buzz_title = '<data:post.url/>'; njuice_buzz_share = 'reader'; </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://button.njuice.com/buzz.js'/> </div>
  2. Place the Google Buzz it with Share Count Code either
    directly after this:
    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
    directly before this:
  3. To change the style of the widget add either
    njuice_buzz_size = 'small';
    njuice_buzz_size = 'simple';
    just after
    njuice_buzz_share = 'reader';
  4. Save your blogger template and you're done!
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10 Facebook Widgets and Tools for Your Website and Blog

Facebook is the largest social networking site with more than 400 million active users and is growing larger every day! Make sure to use these Facebook widgets to connect with your large Facebook audience through your blog or website. You can use these tools to easily share certain profile information, websites, blogs, and businesses with the Facebook community.

Personal Profile Widgets

Profile Badge
Create a Facebook profile badge to share selected profile information on your website. A profile badge will allow your users to easily connect with you and add you as a friend.

Photo Badge
This photo badge allows you to share your Facebook photos on websites and blogs. Choose from a vertical, horizontal, or two-column layout and also choose the number of photos to be displayed.

Fan Badge
Display your Facebook fan pages for all to see.

Website or Business Widgets

Share Button
A powerful facebook widget which allows your visitors to share your content on Facebook!

Fan Box
Lets your users easily become a fan of your site and also allows them to view your Facebook page stream.

Page Badge
Lets you share your Facebook page (one that you have created) information on your website.

Twitter Link
Connect your Facebook page with Twitter. Whenever you update your Facebook fan page your twitter followers will be updated as well with a tweet.

Developers Widgets

Publishing to Facebook
This allows your users to publish their content and activity to Facebook.

Comments Box
Lets your users comment on your website content with their Facebook account.

Live Stream
Lets Facebook users to post and share content in real-time.
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Dark SkyLine - Free Blogger Template

Dark SkyLine is another free blogger template that I have created. The template has a nice navigation menu in the header section, which can easily be customized with your own links. The template can be downloaded for free at TheBlogTemplates.com. If you have any questions on how to implement this blogger template into your blog, please feel free to ask.


2 Columns, Blue, Fixed Width, Right Sidebar


Live Demo -  Download This Template
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Weather Widget for Website & Blog

Having the latest weather updates on your blog keep your site alive and fresh for your visitors. The easiest way to show off your local weather forecast on your website is with weather widgets, which can easily be implemented in your blog. Each weather widget displays the temperature, wind details, and much more.

Ibegin Weather Widget
Just enter your City, Zip Code, or State to show your local weather forecast. This weather widget will show the current weather and weather forecast with small icons.

This WeatherBug widget comes in multiple sizes which display your local weather forecast.
50x250, 180x150, 160x600, 300x250 , 125x125 and 728x90.

Weather.com Live Weather Widget
Another nice weather widget  by Weather.com, which can easily be implemented in the sidebar of your blog!
WidgetBox Weather Widgets
Choose from a large selection of widgets to show of your local weather.
WeatherReports Widget
Lets you choose the theme of your weather widget.

How to Add these Widgets to your Blog?
Please take note that all of the widgets above can easily be implemented into your blog. These weather widgets are for Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, and all the other blogging platforms. Go to the website and customize the widget, then copy and paste the HTML code into your blog. Then you're done! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
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ProPress - Free Blogger Template

ProPress is the first free blogger template that I have created.  I first used this template for WidgetsForFree™ not too long ago, but then too many people requested this template for themselves.  So I have decided to release ProPress as a free download at TheBlogTemplates.com. I hope you all enjoy this template very much! Instructions on customizing the template can be found here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will answer them as best I can.


2 Columns, Blue, Fixed Width, Right Sidebar


Live Demo -  Download This Template
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20+ Useful Blogger Widgets and Hacks

Blogger is a great free blog platform that is improving every day. New useful hacks and widgets are being created on a regular basis. Here is a list of some of the very best blogger widgets and blogger hacks that will improve the usability of your blog.

Blogger Hacks

Related Posts Widget
Display related posts beneath each of your blog posts. Links are displayed based on labels given to each post.

Tag Cloud Widget
Display a simple tag cloud in your blog's sidebar. The tags are displayed based upon the labels given to each post.

Random Posts Button
This widget creates a link for your template that directs users to a random post when clicked on.

Change the Favicon
Are you tired of the regular organge favicon provided by blogger? This tutorial will teach you how to display your own customized favicon.

Top Commentators Widget
Reward your readers for commenting on your blog with this widget. The widget displays the names of the top commentators and will direct you to their website when clicked on.

Change the Title Tags for More Search Engine Traffic
This tutorial teaches you how to make your post title show up before your blog title in Google search results. This is very important when it comes to Search Engine Optimization!

Recent Posts with Thumbnails
Grab your readers attention with an appealing recent posts widget which includes thumbnails.

Recent Comments Widget
Make your blog look alive by displaying recent comment discussions.

Digg Vote Button
Let your Digg readers Digg your posts directly from your blog with this handy little widget.

Search Bar for Blogger
This widget displays a small search bar in your blog's footer. Your readers will be able to easily search your blog for specific content.

Table of Contents
Allow your readers to easily navigate through your site with an interactive Table of Contents.

Blog Widgets

Facebook Widgets
Connect your blog or website with your Facebook Account using these powerful widgets.

Currently Online Readers Widget
A small widget which display how many users are currently online. The widget also indicates which pages are currently being looked at.

Contact Admin Widget
Let your users stay in touch with you with this contact form.

Post Ratings by Outbrain
Let your users give your post a star rating from one to five.

Social Bookmarking Widget
This widget lets your users to easily bookmark your blog posts at the bottom of each post.

PageRank Buttons
 Showoff your blog's Google PageRank with this small widget.

Google Talk Chat Back Badge
A Google Talk chatback badge will let visitors to your web page chat with you. They'll be able to chat with you whenever you're signed in to Google Talk.

Twitter Widget Tools
A great post containg 502 twitter widget tools, buttons, and icons for Engaging your followers.

PayPal Donation Button
If you've got a loyal reader community that might be willing to sponsor you as a blogger, this would be the way.

Google Buzz Share Button
Another way to share your content across a great social network.

Performancing Ads Widget
Another way to make some money from your blog by letting others advertise on your site.

Sudoku Puzzle Widget
Have some fun on your blog with this interactive sudoku game that will easily go in the sidebar.  The sudoku has five different levels of difficulty.


Change Your Template
Choose from a huge list of custom blog templates. Providing your blog with a new design will make it look fresh and new.
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502 Twitter Widget Tools, Buttons, and Icons for Engaging your Followers

Twitter is continuing to grow at a most overwhelming rate. As more and more people use twitter...be sure to utilize these twitter resources on your blog or website as a tool to to expand and connect with your twitter community.

Widgets and buttons are a great way to grab your readers attention and hence increase your twitter community. Below you will find links to different sites where you can attain the source code for these widgets and icons. Please enjoy thoroughly!

Twitter Widgets

ReTweet Button
A powerful twitter widget which allows your readers to easily share your blog posts. The button also displays a live count of the amount of times the post has been tweeted! ReTweet allows you to choose from two different sizes of buttons.

TweetMeMe Button
This twitter widget is very similar to the ReTweet Button but is stylized with a green interface.

BackType TweetCount Widget
The widget also counts the number times a certain URL has been tweeted. The great thing about this counter is that you can fully customize it. Choose the background color, border color, text color, etc.

Yet another twitter button which displays the number count of tweets in real-time.

This widget shows off how many people are following you on twitter. Surely, you'll be able to impress a few tweeters.

This widget shows which twitter users recently visited your blog or website.
twitter icon picture

This badge displays your latest tweet with many different styles to choose from.
twitter icon picture

Chris' Original Twitter Badge
Chris has created a snazzy looking twitter badge which loads in no time.

Create a twitter badge for your blog which scrolls through your most recent tweets.
Twitter / bsaves

A WordPress Plugin which displays your twitter status.
twitter icon picture

Twitter Tag
Here is an automatic updating twitter image for your website or blog.

TwitSig Badge
This twitter image updates with your latest tweet by creating a new image every time you update your status. With this in mind, the twitter badge shouldn't take too much time to load on your blog.

Official Twitter Profile Widget
This widget loops through your tweets and has a full range of customization options. The twitter widget allows you to choose the color scheme, dimensions, and whether or not to loop through your old tweets as well.

Add Twitter to MySpace
The MySpace Flash Widget integrates Twitter into your MySpace profile page. This is a great twitter widget for myspace!
twitter icon picture

Twitter Gadget for Blogger
Simply display your recent updates on twitter as a list with this gadget. Also featuring a "Follow me On Twitter" link at the bottom of the widget.
twitter icon picture

Go2Web20 Badge
A simple image which floats on the side of your blog and directs readers to your twitter page when clicked on. Choose whether or not to display "Follow Us", "Follow Me", "Follow", or "My Twitter" in the image. Most people choose the Follow Me on twitter widget instead of the follow us on twitter button because it sounds more personal. You may also customize whether or not to display the twitter widget on the left or right side of your webpage.
twitter icon picture

TweetSnap creates an image for your twitter account which will always display your latest tweet.

Another website which creates an image of your latest tweet. TweetSticker allows you to customize the font color, font size, text padding, and text wrap.

Twitterati Badge
A unique twitter widget which displays your twitter friends. Click on one of your friends and you'll be directed to their actual website.

Twitter Buttons and Icons

225 Buttons from TwitButtons.com
TwitButtons allows you to easily copy and paste their button code into your site.
Twitter Button from twitbuttons.com

80 Buttons from TwitterButtons.com
Make sure to click "More Twitter Buttons" at the bottom of their site to see the full collection. This follow us on twitter widget is my favorite!

Cute Twitter Bird by The Design SuperHero
3 Variations of the Twitter Bird with 5 different Resolutions.
twitter icon picture

Twitter Bird by WeFunction
3 more adorable variations of the twitter bird.
twitter icon picture

The Social Bird Icon Set
20 Wonderfully original twitter icons by popular artists for your inspiration. These icons have been released by InspiredMagazaine.
twitter icon picture

TweetBird Icon
1 icon which comes in 512×512, 256×256, 128×128, 64×64 and 32×32 pixel sizes.
twitter icon picture

TweetaBird Icon Set
2 more cute icons by LittleBoxOfIdeas. Featuring a twitter bird cheerleaders and a queen twitter bird.
twitter logo picture

Twitter Icon Promo Pack
53 Twitter Icons by WebTreats for you to grab and use on your site.
twitter logo picture

German Twitter Buttons by MTS
10 more twitter buttons for you to enjoy!

Twitter Graphics by Graphic Leftovers
16 twitter graphics in different shapes and forms; such as eggs,lightbulbs,bottle caps, and more.

Twitter Birds by Inaliblast
8 flying twitter bird icons.

Twitter Bird Icon Set by ProductiveDreams
6 High Quality transparent PNG twitter birds.

Free Tweet Tweet Vector Icon Set
1 Twitter bird with 4 differnet poses, created by ProductiveDreams as well.

Randa Clay Twitter Graphics
18 twitter buttons for gaining new followers.

Happy Birds by WebDesignFM
4 Happy go lucky twitter birds that will encourage both your faithful followers and potential followers.

Twitter Buttons by Blog Marketing Web
31 attractive buttons to enhance the twitter experience.

Is that Everything?

If there are any useful twitter resources that I've missed, please feel free to let us know by leaving a comment. Also, don't forget to subscribe because we'll be coming out with the The Best Twitter Apps and Tools in the near future... Stay Tuned!
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Top Commentators Widget for Blogger

This top commenters widget is a wonderful tool for giving back to your most loyal readers. It's a great way to inspire your constituents to keep making useful comments on your blog. The widget displays links to to the top commentators websites and can easily be implemented in your blog's sidebar.

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

cara mempercepat akses facebook

Jarigan internet yang bagus dan cepat belum banyak dirasakan oleh masyarakat indonesia. Cepat atau tidaknya memang masih bisa dibilang relatif, karena ada beberapa tipikal user internet. Ukuran cepat atau tidaknya membuka Facebook mungkin jadi standar bagi beberapa orang, karena Facebook hampir tidak bisa terlepas dari keseharian hidup mereka. Tentunya hal ini sangat menganggu ketika Facebook yang mustinya bisa dibuka kurang dari 5 detik, malah terbuka setelah lebih dari 30 detik karena koneksi internet yang bermasalah.

Biasanya orang yang sudah pernah membaca solusi nyeleneh mengatasi lambatnya akses ke facebook akan melakukan akses Facebook melalui halaman m.facebook.com yaitu halaman Facebook yang biasa dibuka lewat handphone atau perangkat mobile lainnya yang menampilkan tampilan sederhana dari Facebook. Sayangnya karena mengutamakan akses maka tampilan yang ada sedikit terabaikan, kita bisa melihat tampilan facebook di m.facebook .com yang saya rasa kurang enak dilihat, jadi apa ada solusi atau alternatif lainnya?

Ternyata ada, solusi dari m.facebook.com adalah x.facebook.com dan iphone.facebook.com. Dengan mengakses kedua alamat tersebut akan terlihat tampilan yang berbeda dengan m.facebook.com tetapi tetap terlihat minimalis dan yang paling penting lebih terlihat bagus dibandingkan dengan m.facebook.com.

Kedua halaman ini akan terlihat sama, alamat-alamat tersebut sebenarnya ditujukan untuk penguna hanphone dengan tipe tertentu. Untuk iphone.facebook.com sudah jelas untuk mengakses facebook lewat iphone dan x.facebook.com untuk mengakses facebook lewat handphone nokia seri x.

Untuk mengetahui tampilan dari x.facebook.com dan iphone.facebook.com bisa kita lihat contohnya dibawah

tampilan m.facebook.com

tampilan x.facebook.com & iphone.facebook.com

oya sedikit tambahan pertama kali saya agak bingung dimana mengupdate status, dan tertanya cukup dengan menekan tulisan status pada sebelah kiri atas. Tapi sayangnya saya belum menemukan cara membalas status teman.
READ MORE - cara mempercepat akses facebook

kode smaile untuk facebook

Sering chating dengan teman di facebook? pasti ada yang terasa kurang dibandingkan bila kita chating menggunakan yahoo messenger yang mempunyai banyak smiley (emoticon). Sebenarnya facebook juga mempunyai smiley yang cukup banyak hanya saja pengguna facebook banyak yang tidak tahu kode untuk menampilkan smiley tersebut. Mau tambah asyik ngobrol dengan teman di facebook silakan tambahkan kode-kode smiley facebook berikut :

Facebook Happy Smiley Face
:) :( :P :D :O ;) 8) 8| >:( :\ :'( 3:)
O:) :-* <3 ^_^ -_- O.o >:o :v :3 :|] :putnam:
Hiu (^^^)
Penguin <(")

Silakan bookmark halaman ini (CTRL +D) agar mudah diingat

Nih bukti screen shootnya
smiley facebook (emoticon)
Selamat chating, tapi awas lihat belakang ada bos apa nggak
READ MORE - kode smaile untuk facebook


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